March Creek

ID: SM-000347283
ComposerMario Gullo
Lyricist Michael Nicosia
Year of composition 2018
Genre Classical / Choral music
Key C major
Instrumentation Male choir
Scored forChoir
Type of scorePiano-vocal score
Duration 2'40"
Difficulty Medium
Description This text is written by Michael J. Nicosia, my cousin. He is the truest form of a renaissance man. He is a musician, painter, poet and a priest.

This poem deals with loss and renewal is in short visual stanzas. I set the piece to take evoke the the form of snapshots taken in nature while thinking about larger life issues.

March creek:
bleak scene
‘til growth peeks through wintry debris
as old leaves
past fresh beginnings.

As it passes,
the butterfly connects
forsythia yellow
daffodil gold.

Dark colors
erupt within,
spilling out old desires
that color the now.

Though I paint the world rare
with palette raw,
in spite of this,
I miss you.

Myth mixes with memory
insights into things done and felt and reacted to,
in light of what’s happened
in others’ tales.
Upload date 12.02.2019


Sheet music file including a license for an unlimited number of performances, limited to one year.
50.00 USD
PDF, 885.0 Kb (8 p.)


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