Alleluia Beatus

ID: SM-000536410
ComposerMario Gullo
Lyricist Mario Gullo
PublisherMario Gullo
Year of composition 2020
Genre Classical / Choral music
Instrumentation Piano, Mixed choir
Scored forAccompanying piano, Choir
Type of scorePiano-vocal score
Duration 4'10"
Difficulty Medium
Description Knowing that I can spend a lot of time picking out a text to set, I tried something a little different. First, I turned to Alleluia. Sometimes a word is all you need. Then I wanted it to be happy; happy and unexpected. Instead of looking for a unique Latin text to juxtapose the chosen word, I turned to a new friend, GoogleTranslate. I chose three famous song titles that had the word 'happy' in them and let the machine do its magic. A new liturgical text is born. A shiny and sparkly new way to show our exuberance.
Upload date 02.06.2022


Sheet music file including a license for an unlimited number of performances, limited to one year.
50.00 USD
PDF, 1.61 Mb (20 p.)


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